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You’ll find all the details for a curated, 5-day journey of transformation tailored for individuals eager to leverage their significant achievements as a springboard for continued growth and exploration in the next phase of life.

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The Business of Life

Transformative Life Design Program

East Bali, June 8-14, 2024

The Business of Life

Transformative Life Design Program

East Bali, June 8-14, 2024

“You’re in a position to redefine what’s possible for you, to create it now and embrace a future where you dictate the rules.

It’s not outside of your reach

It’s not only for other people

It’s for you and up to you

Let this be the action you take to ensure your next life stage is in your hands.”

Lex Dwyer

Program Director


I have worked with Lex for more than 15 years. During that period, he has been an outstanding colleague. I have no hesitation in ranking him in the top 2% of executive development presenters in Australia. I would go further and state that, in my experience at a number of leading business schools around the world, including Said at Oxford and the Copenhagen Business School, Lex is in the top 2% worldwide.”

Professor Phillip Yetton, AGSM

Lex Dwyer Consulting Clients

Contact Details:

Phone: + 61 419 345 514

